Widows often have a very difficult life in families and communities in India, as many of them are no longer given respect and taken care of in their families after their husbands die. Uppahar helps with a small regular pension for 85 poorest of the poor widows in our target areas who are no longer receiving any support from their families.
Also, yearly we organize a special day for widows, where they receive a special meal, an entertaining program with films, visual aids, etc. Uppahar encourages them to share their life stories. At the end of the day they are given a new piece of clothing, either a Saree or warm clothes in the winter season as a Pongal/harvest gift.
Presently Uppahar is planning to build an Old-Age Care Center where widows and widowers (male and female) will be provided with daily shelter, food, clothes, and medical needs.